Young Rolls Out New Crypto Services for Institutional Investors

Young Rolls Out New Crypto Services for Institutional Investors

Young as a Crypto Scaling Solution

Young is a crypto scaling solution that has recently introduced three new cryptocurrency services directed towards institutional investors. The services are going to assist traditional commercial enterprises in seeking exposure to virtual currency markets. On this front, the first service is dubbed Euro only.

As the name suggests, this service allows investors to receive digital currencies without dealing with the volatility of prices and market changes. It is because businesses that are leveraging this service will be able to convert their digital currency holdings into euros which will grant them protection against constantly shifting and converging prices of spot markets.

At the same time, the businesses that are willing to avail this service are granted access to Sub Account services. In this manner, they are able to create various accounts from a main institutional account.

The last service that Young is offering is dubbed as Over the Counter or OTC services. It is a secure and customizable option for virtual currency trading. The highlighted features of these services are considerable liquidity and market competitive prices that allow businesses to make efficient and convenient transactions.

Young Platform to Offer Crypto Services for Commercial Enterprises

Young Platform has introduced tools for increased cryptocurrency adoption concerning commercial markets. The aforementioned services are also endorsed by Taylor-made professional training programs.

These programs are designed to assist commercial entities to develop in-house expertise. In this manner, commercial entities will be able to leverage blockchain technology for addressing important pain-points that companies maybe facing or use them as innovative solutions.

Andrea Ferrero, CEO of Young Platform has stated that the firm is working on brining financial democracy to crypto sector for enterprise adoption. He retained that the firm is working with the scope of making virtual currencies accessible for everyone.

President Mariano Carozzi has claimed that the firm is extending unparalleled support for enterprises with introduction of innovative tools for their clients. The project was found in 2018 and has been offering crypto trading and scaling solutions.

Young platform is a regulated exchange that is registered with OAM Registry. This service requires account holders to confirm identity verification during the account registration process. The platform started as a mobile application service for smart phones.

One of its subsidiary companies tracks the steps that users take during 24 hours and grants them rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies. Account holders can convert their digital holdings and withdraw them in the form of Euros.

The process is also possible using bank transfers or credit/ debit card payment options. Other payment options available on the platform are Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Satispay. At the same time, users may purchase gift cards from their accounts to make virtual currency payments on the platform.

There are 30 tokens listed on the platform with biggest market cap currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, MATIC, XRP, ALGO, and XLM etc. in 2022, the platform won the best startup award of the year by Polytechnic incubator. 

Meanwhile, the context in crypto sector is shifting quickly with new proponents such as Canadian psychologist and influencer Jordan Peterson recently aired his support for Bitcoin. He iterated his strong support for Bitcoin on X with his 4.6 million followers on 14th September in response to a new initiative by Australian government to remove paper money.

Richard Dodson
About Author

Richard Dodson

Richard Dodson, a titan in crypto journalism, delves deep into the blockchain ecosystem with clarity and precision. With an innate ability to simplify intricate details, Richard's articles demystify the world of digital assets. His authoritative voice and profound insights make him a go-to expert in cryptocurrency discourse.

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